Welcome to our new mental health facility in Whalley, officially named ‘Woodview’ by service users.
It is on the former Calderstones site off Mitton Road, and offers an ideal therapeutic countryside environment to assist in the treatment and recovery of those who require enhanced mental health support, allowing them to be closer to their families and loved ones.
The unit consists of:
- 24 inpatient beds – 12 female and 12 male
- Eight beds in a dedicated psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU)

Contact Details
Email: reception.woodview@lscft.nhs.uk / wardadmin.woodview@lscft.nhs.uk
Reception: 01254 613 000 / 01254 613 001
Springwood Ward: 01254 613 038 / 01254 613 039
Greendale Ward: 01254 613 040 / 01254 613 041
Buckley Ward: 01254 613 036 / 01254 613 037