Face to Face / On-line / Telephone
This Treatment Agreement outlines the main points of what is involved and expected when undertaking a therapeutic intervention with NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Talking Therapies. Please read through it before attending your first treatment session where points can be discussed and queries considered. If you have any difficulties reading it before your session, do not worry, the content can be covered in the session discussion.
The therapy I receive relies on my regular attendance and collaboration with my therapist. This Therapy Agreement outlines the main points of the discussion I have had with my Counsellor/CBT/PWP today about what is involved when in therapy and what is expected of me when I agree to continue with therapy.
Working together
I understand that the therapist is there to help and guide me and therapy will be most effective through my active engagement
- I have discussed the role of in between appointment tasks and/or reflecting on sessions and understanding their essential part in my therapy
- I understand that as therapy progresses I may feel overwhelmed and sometimes things may feel worse before they get better. This does not mean therapy isn’t working but could be that I am beginning to face some difficult issues. Strong feelings can be a sign of growth. On the other hand, therapy is not for everybody and if the situation doesn’t improve it is important I discuss this with my therapist
Attending appointments
- I understand that it is important to attend all appointments wherever possible and will give as much notice as I can if I am unable to keep an appointment by contacting the team. This also applies to my therapist who will give me as much notice as possible in the unlikely event of having to change an appointment.
- I understand that if I miss my first appointment without giving notice then I will be discharged.
- I understand that if I cancel or miss 2 appointments during my course of treatment (even if I have given notice that I am unable to attend) then I will be discharged.
- I understand that cancelled appointments will be counted towards the total number of sessions.
- I understand it is my responsibility to contact the therapist as soon as possible (but within 7 days) if an appointment is missed and a new appointment is required or I will be discharged.
- I understand if I disengage with my therapy whilst accessing support through the Talking Therapies Employment Advisor (EA) service, that I will also be discharged from my EA.
Attending appointments (telephone / on-line)
- I am aware that I need to be on my own in the room, ensure I will not be disturbed, that the room is free from distractions, and my computer/smart phone/tablet ready for an on-line appointment if my appointments are via this platform.
- I am aware that I need to be on time and ready for the appointment
- I am aware the therapist will invite me to my appointment from the virtual waiting room (when receiving on-line therapy) at the appointment time
- I am aware that if connection is lost (telephone or on-line), the therapist will attempt to call me. If the therapist is unable to get in touch with me, and if there is a possible risk, the therapist may need to contact the GP or the police to ensure I am safe.
- My therapist has informed me about the storage of notes from my sessions, that these will be in my secure patient record and that only staff involved in my care will have access to them.
- I understand that my case may be discussed in clinical supervision in order for effective, evidence-based treatments to be offered and in keeping with professional body guidelines.
- I understand the limitations to confidentiality offered to me which include the following:
- If there are signs that a child is possibly in danger.
- If there is a risk of serious harm to myself or others.
- If serious criminal activities are disclosed.
- If my therapist does have to break confidentiality, they will try to inform me first. However, there may be some occasions where this is not always possible if to do so would put me or others at risk.
Recording of sessions
I understand and agree that:
- Sessions will not be recorded without our both consenting to any such recording being made
- From time to time my therapist is required to be observed in their practice in order to maintain their accreditation and to ensure that the service continues to adhere to the standards expected in order to provide the best possible service to its clients. My therapist might on occasion request that they make a video or audio recording of an appointment with me, or seek my consent to be observed by their Supervisor during one of our sessions. Should I agree to do so any such recording will be kept on a password or pin-protected device and securely destroyed after its intended use. I understand that I am entitled to decline this request without it affecting the treatment I receive in any way.
- There may be occasions where my therapist suggests that I record part of a session. I understand and agree that any such recording made, or any part of a recording, or a transcript of a recording of any part of our sessions may not be disseminated in any form or on any medium (including, but not limited to, via social media) without my therapist’s prior written permission and is exclusively for my own personal therapeutic use.
- I am able to make handwritten notes during sessions of any agreed suggestions or interventions.
I understand I will be required to fill in a clinical questionnaire at every session to monitor the effectiveness of my treatment and the quality of services provided.
Declaration of consent
After discussion in your first treatment session your practitioner will ask you whether you are happy to verbally provide consent to starting treatment with NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Talking Therapies, bearing in mind the points outlined in this agreement.
This page tells you what we do with the information we collect and hold about you and why we might need to share it with other organisations involved in the delivery of your care. Visit our privacy policy for more information.