Longridge Community Hospital Ward is a 15 bedded inpatient facility, operational over 24 hours.

The ward is managed by registered nurses. During normal surgery hours medical responsibility is provided by GPs based at either of the two Longridge surgeries. Go To Doc provides out of hours medical cover.

Non-acute patients are admitted to the ward according to agreed access criteria. Patients must be registered with a Longridge GP and require either post-surgical care, medical care, rest and recuperation or palliative care.

Longridge Community Hospital is also home to many Community Services providing clinic rooms for service users:

  • Treatment room
  • Podiatry
  • Phlebotomy 

How to access the service

Referrals are accepted by the Ward Manager or Nurse in Charge. Nursing staff co-ordinate assessment and planning of care with patients, relatives and carers leading to a safe and timely discharge. Discharges can involve complex packages that require multi-agency input to ensure all needs, both health and social, are addressed. Signposting to other care providers is included in this planning.