The Cove is staffed by a range of different professionals working together to deliver the best young person-centred care. All staff are carefully chosen for their expertise, knowledge, experience, compassion and ability to work with young people.

This multidisciplinary team includes:

  •  clinical psychologists
  •  family therapists
  •  psychiatrists
  •  doctors
  •  mental health nurses
  •  healthcare support workers
  •  occupational therapists and occupational therapist technical instructors
  •  social workers
  •  dieticians
  •  participation consultant
  •  teachers and teaching assistants
  •  medical secretaries and administrative staff
  •  facilities and catering staff
  •  teachers and teaching assistants

Clinical Psychologists work directly with young people to help them make sense of their distress and difficulties, as well as helping them make and plan changes to address these challenges. clinical psychologists work with families, carers and other staff at The Cove. They may also engage with services that are involved with the young person’s care.

Family Therapists work directly with carers and families to include them in making sense of what is happening for their young person, as well as involving them in supporting the young person in their recovery.

Our Medical Team includes consultants, speciality doctors and trainee doctors. The doctors are involved in assessment and treatment of the young person’s physical and mental health. The doctors work in collaboration with the rest of the team to create a young person centred care which can combine a range of medical interventions to aid recovery.

Our Nursing Team assess young people’s needs and work in collaboration with them and their families/carers to develop individualised care plans and risk assessments. The nursing team undertake regular one to one sessions with young people to ensure progress against care aims is monitored and to support them through their recovery journey.

Occupational Therapy offers practical support to empower young people to engage in meaningful activity which is important to them and their daily life. We encourage young people to participate in activities (or occupations) that matter to them to help promote recovery and overcome barriers to occupations. The occupational therapists offer individual or group session as part of the weekly timetable. This can range from support in education, life skills, art, animal care, baking/cooking, volunteering and physical activity which can be on or off site.

Our Social Workers undertake a social care screening assessment with all young people and their parents and carers. The purpose of this assessment is to consider any additional support that could help young people and their families.

Our Dieticians are involved in promoting all aspects of a healthy lifestyle and the importance of eating well across the unit. They work closely with young people who have potential or pre-existing eating disorders, as well as supporting those needing dietary advice because of other mental health issues. They also work with parents and carers to support them continuing the nutritional plan on leave or discharge.

Our Participation Consultant runs a weekly group that gives all young people a chance to help develop and improve The Cove. It talks about all the positive and helpful things that are happening on the ward, as well as some of the things that might need improving.

Education forms a big part of our weekly timetable. When young people come to education at The Cove for the first time, they will undergo an induction so they know all about what happens within education here. If a young person has left school, then the teachers will be able to support them in continuing with college or sixth form courses, as well as providing English and Maths support if these weren’t passed at GCSE. The teachers may also be able to help look into further education courses if a young person is not currently enrolled.