The Frailty Assessment Team provides a routine service supporting patients, above the age of 65, in ageing well. The team will review your overall healthcare in your home or clinic setting.
The aim of the service is to see if changes could be made to better support your health, wellbeing, and safety at home and to prevent unnecessary or prolonged stays in hospital. Patients are registered with GP’s in the Central Lancashire areas of Preston, Chorley and South Ribble.
What is frailty?
Frailty is a medical term used in healthcare, highlighting an age-related health state. The term “Frailty” is often misunderstood but refers to multiple body systems losing their resilience to bounce back from illness or injury, lengthening recovery time. It is more common as we age, however, younger people can also live with frailty.
Frailty syndromes
Broadly there are five frailty syndromes and encountering one of these should raise suspicion that the individual concerned has frailty.
• Falls
• Immobility
• Delirium
• Incontinence
• Susceptibility to side effects of medication
Our involvement with you
The Frailty Team consists of nurses, therapists and a pharmacist. The most appropriate clinician’s will visit you in your own home or clinic setting to discuss how you are managing and undertake a comprehensive health assessment. The health assessment includes a medication, cognitive and wellbeing review and may also include a physical examination and medical tests.
Colleagues work together to support patients in the community working closely with social services, GPs, community nursing teams, patients, relatives and carers.
Our working hours are 08:30 until 16:30, Monday to Friday.
Patients can access our service via a referral from an involved health or social care provider.