We provide mental health placements for medical students from Manchester, Lancaster and Liverpool Medical Schools.
Each medical school has an individual curriculum, so all aspects of the delivery of medical education differ depending on the respective medical school, this includes Quality Assurance (QA) and feedback systems.
Manchester Medical School students are posted with us for their psychiatry placements mainly to Central and East Lancashire (Preston, Chorley, Burnley and Blackburn). These students are posted during the 3rd and 4th years of their course.
Liverpool Medical School students are posted to North and West Lancashire (Blackpool and Ormskirk). These students are with us during the 3rd and 4th years of their course.
Lancaster Medical School students are posted to North Lancashire (Lancaster) and East Lancashire. Lancaster students are posted for their psychiatry placements in the 3rd and 4th years of their course.
Additional students may spend several weeks on placement in our Trust. These may be students from the three local medical schools or students from further afield including overseas students. Differing medical schools have different terms for special study modules, but generally, over 10 students have either electives or special study modules with us annually.
Our feedback suggests that overall, our undergraduate psychiatry placements across the Trust are excellent with extremely positive feedback.
The Undergraduate Medical Education Department are annually involved in a series of recruitment initiatives such as evening talks aimed at foundation doctors, medical students and sixth formers , billed as ‘Summer Nights’ and ‘Spring into Psychiatry’ roadshows. Feedback suggests this has made a difference to some students and newly qualified doctors who are now considering a career in psychiatry.
Medical education facilitators and consultants have also been involved in recruitment fairs at local medical schools and we have led initiatives on work experience placements for sixth form students.
"I felt very supported in my placement and was able have a wide range of clinical experiences and learn more about psychiatry as a career"
- (Medical Student, 2017)