What does the Enhanced RECONNECT Service do?

Enhanced RECONNECT (ER) is a pilot scheme that builds on the RECONNECT service and is available for individuals identified as high risk of harm to the public and who have complex health needs.

ER is a psychologically-led service that offers interventions, structured support, advocacy and signposting to those leaving prison to help them engage with community-based health and support services, reduce their social exclusion and thereby reduce their health- related offending behaviours.

ER services will support the person who has left prison to better understand and manage their risks, build upon their strengths, learn new skills, and identify and breakdown barriers to access existing community-based services, using a trauma informed, formulation driven approach with the person at the centre.

How are we different from RECONNECT?

There are three differences between RECONNECT and ER:

  • ER only works with service users who are high or very high risk of serious harm to others (as opposed to RECONNECT, which works with those who are low to moderate risk). 
  • ER is a clinical service. This means that we provide high-intensity specialist and bespoke therapeutic interventions; unlike RECONNECT, which is not a clinical service. 
  • In contrast, RECONNECT focuses on providing the crucial, more practical ‘through the gate’ support and signposting (although this will also be a part of ER’s role). ER is psychology-led, which means that the team works from a psychological standpoint to address people’s complex care needs and is focused on being trauma- informed and formulation-led.

ER outcomes

  • Reduce health-related barriers that directly impact on the individual’s engagement prior to, and upon leaving prison.
  • Reduce health inequalities and address health-related drivers of serious and high- risk offending behaviours.
  • Improve partnership risk management and safeguarding of the public.
  • Ensure a safe transition from prison to community-based healthcare and support services.

Outcomes for individuals

  • Improvement in relationships with professionals.
  • Improved engagement with health and justice services.
  • Improved social inclusion, increased sense of belonging and life skills.
  • Reduction in frequency and severity of high-risk behaviours.
  • Reduction in health-related re-offending behaviours.
  • Improved mental and physical wellbeing.


Enhanced RECONNECT (ER) will only accept referrals from HMPPS probation service, national security and counter terrorism, RECONNECT, OPD and Channel. Self-referrals are NOT accepted.

We accept referrals for high-risk individuals from six months prior to their release from prison. This includes any of the six prisons based in Lancashire and Cumbria.**

Upon receipt of the referral, our team will aim to screen the referral within 48 hours.

Referral criteria

  • Priority Group 1: National Security Division (NSD) cohort
  • Priority Group 2: At Risk of Extremism (Not NSD) cohort
  • Priority Group 3: Other High/Very High of Violent or Sexual Harm cohort.

The individual must be resettling in Lancashire and Cumbria (immediately on release after time in an Approved Premise). 

Service Model

Referrals will be considered for suitability via a consultation meeting involving the COM, POM, ER Service and other relevant agencies.

The team will:

  • Undertake assessments of appropriate referrals pre-release.

  • Engage those accepted during the last six months of their sentence.

  • Continue to support up to 12 months after release.

  • Provide advice and opinion on case management.

  • Inform and/or attend risk forums (MAPPA, MARAC, Channel Panel) where appropriate.

  • Hold a small caseload of complex individuals and offer interventions not typically available in the community.

  • Advocate with community services for continuity of care.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

If you have some concerns, questions or need advice on our services, you can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0800 234 6088 or contact the PALS Team via email.

Feeling low and need someone to talk to?

Call 0800 915 4640

Monday to Friday 7pm to 11pm Saturday to Sunday 12pm to Midnight

Need urgent help?

Call 0800 953 0110, 24 hours a day, seven days a week

This leaflet is available in alternative languages and formats upon request. Please speak to a member of our staff to arrange this.

Contact information

For clinical queries and referrals, please get in touch with the Enhanced Reconnect team via email.