As an NHS organisation LSCft puts service users at the heart of everything we do, supporting effective care, recovery and wellbeing and we encourage an open and learning culture, ensuring we continually improve. However, we acknowledge that there will be times when we get it wrong. Please know that should you have any concerns our Complaints Team is available to support you to find out what went wrong, sort things where we can, and ensure that the
organisation learns from your experience.
If you want to raise a complaint please contact us via email, telephone or in writing, as above.
Please be assured that we treat all complaints seriously and you will be contacted by an investigator, a member of our wider team, to discuss your concerns and agree a way forward. We ensure that all complaints and concerns are handled in confidence and, as the details of your complaint are recorded separately from your health records, you can be confident that raising a complaint will not affect your care and treatment in any way.
If you wish to complain on behalf of someone else we may need to get their permission to share their information with you. However, you can be assured that we will look into your concerns to improve the care we provide. Sometimes issues raised, may involve more than one organisation and we will always ask permission before sharing with colleagues in other organisations when investigating your complaint.
If you need any further information, the complaints Team are happy to support you. However, if you need independent help or advice on making a complaint, please contact the Advocacy service for your area:
0300 3232 100
People First
03003 038 037
Rest of Lancashire
Advocacy Focus
0300 323 0965