We want to make your visit to us as pleasant as possible. Although we have tried to include all essential information, this site may not cover everything you want to know so if there is anything that you need to ask about your appointment please contact the office on 01772 777847.

Where will my appointment be?
The majority of our clinics are at the Minerva Health Centre in Preston but we also run a weekly clinic at Chorley Health Centre.
What parking is available?
There is parking available at the Minerva Health Centre and on road parking at Chorley Health Centre.
What do I do if I need transport?
To book transport for your appointment call:
- 0800 0323 240 from a landline
- 01772 904919 from a mobile
Staff will ask you some simple questions to make sure you are eligible to use the service. Please have your NHS number to hand to make a booking. If you do not have your NHS number ask a receptionist or your GP who will be happy to help.
Morning appointments
For morning appointments please be ready to travel no later than 8am or at least 2 hours before your appointment time.
Afternoon appointments
For afternoon appointments please be ready to travel no later than 12:30pm or at least 2 hours before your appointment time.
Please be aware that you may be away from home for a number of hours. It is a good idea to bring with you a packed lunch, a drink, newspaper or book to occupy yourself and any medication that you may need to take during the day.
You could arrive at the clinic up to an hour prior to your appointment time.
Journey home
Once you have finished your appointment the reception staff will contact Patient Transport Services and advise them that you are ready to go home.
Patient Transport Services aim to collect 80% of patients within 60 minutes and 90% of patients within 90 minutes after their appointment has finished. A small minority of patients may have to wait longer.
What happens when I arrive at the outpatients department?
Please book in at the reception desk. The reception staff will check your details and direct you to the waiting area to sit in. The nurse will measure your blood pressure, weight and height and ask you to provide a urine sample. You may be given a questionnaire to complete. Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time so that the nurse can carry out these checks. You will then be asked to sit in the waiting area and the doctor will then call you in when ready.
What should I bring with me?
Please bring your appointment letter with you and a full list of medications taken. You may be asked to undress during your appointment in order to be properly examined so we ask you to wear appropriate loose clothing.
Can I bring someone with me?
You may bring someone with you.
What happens if I am late?
We understand delays can occur. If you are early you will not be seen more quickly, but if you are late, other patients who arrived on time may be seen before you. If you arrive late it may not be possible for you to be seen on the day or you may have to wait until the end of the clinic.
Why do other patients who arrive after me get called in first?
We run several clinics at the same time, not everybody is there to see the same doctor or nurse. You may also have arrived quite early for your appointment whereas the other patients may have arrived closer to their allocated appointment slot.
Can I leave the waiting area?
We ask you to remain in the waiting area to be called. If there is a long wait until your appointment and you want to leave the waiting area, please let a nurse know.
What if I need an interpreter?
If your understanding of English is limited we use a service called Language Line, which is a telephone interpreter service.
What if I am unable to make my appointment?
- If you are unable to make your appointment please contact us as soon as possible. If you are attending for the first time you will need to ring the Referral Management Centre on 01772 325100
- If you are an existing patient please ring 01772 777600
My contact details have changed
We also need to know if any of your details have changed, so please check the letters we have sent you and let us know if any of your details are wrong. It would also be helpful to have your mobile number as we use an automated text message appointment reminder service.