The Acute Therapy Service (ATS) offers a six day intensive support programme in the community. This service supports people aged 16+ during a mental health crisis by preventing hospital admission or allowing an early discharge from hospital.

The programme is based on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). Read about DBT on Mind's website.

Our service is a place where you can get help to manage your emotions. We will help you to learn about your emotions. We will support you and teach you skills to help you during difficult times.

Feedback from a carer:

“I preferred my wife to be at ATS rather than in hospital. It meant she could be home with me each evening and she taught me the skills she had learnt. This meant I could help her when she went into a crisis. I felt I was contributing towards her recovery.”

We help you to manage on your own and live a good life by providing:

  • Wellbeing and healthy living advice
  • Social inclusion and activities in the local area
  • Holistic therapies

We offer breakfast, lunch and refreshments throughout the day. You can ask staff for 1:1 support between the group sessions.

The groups we teach include:

  • Emotion regulation
  • Mindfulness
  • Crisis skills
  • Self-compassion
  • Social skills
  • Problem solving
  • Self-soothe
  • Occupational therapy
  • Sleep hygiene techniques

You can join in with arts and crafts, relaxation, and games. We have a quiet room if you need time alone.

If you are likely to be admitted to hospital, you can ask to attend ATS instead. If you are already in hospital you can ask to attend ATS to leave hospital sooner.

Your care team can refer you to us by phone. The ATS team will see if the service is right for you. If we can help we will put a plan in place.

The team will call you two working days before you start. When we call you can ask us questions. We will tell you more about the service too.