We are launching our Zero Tolerance to racism campaign to coincide with Race Equality Week.
Starting Race Equality Week by launching our Zero Tolerance approach to racism is just one of the ways we are continuing our dedication to support staff, service users and all local communities whilst delivering unrivalled mental health support.
Chris Oliver, Interim Chief Executive stated:
“As the Interim Chief Executive of LSCft I am proud of our values. We are kind, we are respectful, we are a team and we are always learning. Having a zero tolerance approach to all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination are core to these values.
We are not yet getting this right for everyone, every day. This is not OK and we must do more.”
The zero tolerance campaign reinforces the message that we will not accept any discrimination, bullying or pre-judgement towards any members of staff or service users in any circumstances. We will support our colleagues to recognise, report and address any instances that do occur.
Chris Oliver, continued:
“Transparency is fundamental to our journey, only by hearing and accepting the lived realities of those communities, people, groups, and colleagues that we cause harm can we begin to move forward, and really start doing more.
As an organisation we are committed to unlearn the stereotypes, the assumptions, and the tokenism. Relearn the truth, the history, our responsibility, and our contribution. Let us listen, trust, learn and accept.”
Staff are encouraged to report any concerns through a variety of channels available, these include the more traditional routes of line management and senior leadership. At the Trust we also have other channels for reporting including Freedom to Speak up Guardian, Staff Networks and directly to the dedicated Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team.
Finally Chris Oliver, said:
“We are on a journey and as Interim Chief Executive I pledge to build safety and support for those facing bullying, harassment and discrimination, to build trust and confidence that we will address it in all forms and develop a culture whereby colleagues and communities are able to safely speak up, and that we will listen up and we will follow up.
We will do more to be accepted as true allies, we will do more to lead the way to true inclusion, we will do more to ensure people belong. We need to continue to do more to be kind, respectful, and to continue to learn as a team.
Everyone deserves the right to bring their whole self to work.”
Candace Bedu-Mensah, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, concluded:
“We want our staff, service users, families and local communities to feel reassured that we take any form of racism and discrimination very seriously and it will not be tolerated on any level.
We have made progress but recognise there is more to do and we continue to be dedicated to enhance the experience for all our staff and service users regardless of their race or background.”
![Zero tolerance stock image](/application/files/thumbnails/md/6016/7544/1439/Untitled-161.jpg)