We are happy to share with you the new edition of Shine, our Trust magazine.

There is lots for you to read, including some great stories from service users and our colleagues, including some services you might not be aware that we offer:

  • Meet our nurses who support families with care and compassion after the loss of a child
  • Follow one of our phlebotomists, Karen, round for a day to get an insight into her role
  • Dr Raphael Ogbolu, who now leads our suicide prevention work tells us about beginning his career in Nigeria before appearing on radio and TV. He also encourages people to open up about their mental health. He also gives his tips on how to have conversations with those who may be struggling.

We spoke to Paul Andrews, one of our psychotherapists who usually works with children and young people in Barrow and Kendal, after he travelled to Cambodia to share his knowledge and experience with colleagues who are helping people affected by generational trauma.

We get to know Lisa, one of our learning disability physiotherapists and Phil Huggon, one of our non-executive directors, as he shares his personal story of bipolar diagnosis and how he manages it. It’s an important reminder that mental health conditions can affect anyone, including colleagues.

But not only that, we also share with you Mackenzie’s moving story about being helped by our Early Intervention Service (EIS), which assists those at risk of first time psychosis so they get the right support early and can continue living their lives.

There’s plenty more including a nod of recognition to our nurses who celebrated International Nurses Day back in May but for which one day of appreciation just is not enough! We want colleagues to know that whatever their role, they are recognised and appreciated by us and our patients for all they do.

You may remember that in my recent podcast I met Stacy, who is Deaf and we discussed some of the challenges in accessing services for the Deaf community. Meeting Stacy also gave me the opportunity to learn some British Sign Language and in this magazine, we provide tips if it’s something you would also like to explore.

What’s more, you will find a delicious summer pudding recipe sent to us by one of our nursing colleagues in Blackpool.

  • The work of one of our physical health services, the Pulmonary Rehab Team, who are breathing new life into patients with lung conditions
  • Father and daughter Steven and Stevie-Leigh Jewell’s share different experiences of qualifying as nurses through both the traditional university and apprenticeship routes
  • Our cover star, Jay, shares his story to celebrate LGBT+ History Month
  • Reiki: the benefits of this technique to your wellbeing
  • How service users are creating artwork at The Guild to aid their recovery
  • Spend a day with one of our junior doctors
  • Wesham Carer’s Café
  • Our colleague Ross shares his story about his autism diagnosis aged 30
  • Graham, our incredible colleague who has dedicated an impressive 65 years to public service
  • Leadership training opportunities here at LSCft through the Flourish course and the Shadow Board
  • How to prepare your garden for spring
  • A delicious yi mein recipe

Please share with external partner colleagues, your friends, family and networks on social media!

What are you waiting for? Read issue 7 of Shine magazine now. We hope you enjoy it!

Send us your stories! The magazine is written and designed in-house by the Trust’s Communications Team, who is always on the lookout for feedback and new stories so if you have something you want to share, please get in touch on communications@lscft.nhs.uk.