We are pleased to announce that we have been recognised in our commitment to becoming a fully inclusive organisation and employer.
We were recently awarded bronze status by the North West Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Assembly and NHS England North West, signifying that we have taken steps towards becoming an intentionally anti-racist organisation through structures that are in place and the accountability and promotion of racial equity.

The announcement comes following our recent inclusion and belonging conference, where the powerful lived reality stories of everyday racism and the impact on colleagues was shared, as well a session about health inequalities.
Our Chief Executive Officer, Chris Oliver, expressed his pride after receiving the news:
“I am really pleased that we have been recognised for our efforts to become a truly anti-racist organisation, which is something that we are doing each day through training, discussions, policies, support sessions and our actions in how we conduct ourselves.
This status is just part of our continuous journey and we are committed to becoming better each day, constantly holding ourselves to account.
The NHS was built on a founding principle of equality and social justice and that is something we want to live each day in the way we treat colleagues, partners and importantly, our patients. Here at LSCft, we take a zero tolerance approach to racism, discrimination or hate in any form, whether that is in the delivery of care right through to our policies and procedures.”
The status was achieved as part of an evidenced based framework which helps NHS organisations progress their systems, processes and behaviours towards being anti-racist and fully inclusive.
Our Chief People Officer, Rob Cragg, added:
“We received feedback that good work is underway at the Trust and a commitment to anti-racism was shown, underpinned by a solid foundation of well thought out actions, projects and plans.
We are not complacent and are now working on further actions towards meeting the criteria the silver accreditation level of the framework. We strive to continually improve to make sure that everyone feels included and like they belong.
We have a whole host of opportunities for people from all our communities across Lancashire and South Cumbria and so if you would like to come and work for our organisation, which holds being anti-racist as a key priority, kindly have a look at what we have to offer on our vacancies page.”
We formally launched our zero tolerance approach to racism campaign in February 2023 and still encourage colleagues to report and speak up with their concerns, as well making a commitment to hearing and accepting the lived realities of communities, people, groups, and colleagues that have suffered harm as a result of racism and inequalities in Lancashire and South Cumbria.
Find out more about our commitment to anti-racism and our approach to inclusion and belonging on our webpages.