The Trust hosts well established specialty training (ST) posts in all of the psychiatric specialities. There are many opportunities to not only develop clinical skills but also to develop teaching, leadership, research and management skills through participation in our training programmes.
We have designed a bespoke induction and training handbook for ST Doctors when they start with us here at LSCft, which is specific to their needs.
We have an ST development programme involving an engagement session and a continuous professional development session followed by a case discussion group specifically to meet the needs of our ST doctors.
Each ST is offered a one to one with the Medical Education Manager and Director of Medical Education or Deputy Director of Medical Education to focus on the specific needs of the trainee and support with career development, acting up opportunities and vacancies in the Trust. Following this, the ST can have a one to one with our Chief Medical Officer to discuss their career development further.
We run a Consultant Interview Training Workshop for ST doctors placed with us to gain experience in preparing for the consultant interview, using simulation to practice being in the hot seat and being interviewed by members of the Board.
To support developing leadership skills, we run a Medical Education Fellowship Programme and also fund places for a number of our ST doctors to attend the national Royal College of Psychiatry (RCPsych) Leadership and Management Fellowship programme.
Specialty Trainees are also encouraged to participate in our local initiatives such as teaching on the Kick Start Psychiatry Programme and being part of the CASC development sessions. Trainees are also supported to attend our Local Academic Programme, and have the opportunity to chair sessions and present their own cases, projects, and research. We also run a Medical Education Fellowship Programme to develop STs who wish to pursue a career in medical education.
We offer a range of training opportunities in relation to audit and quality improvement. A number of ST doctors have been involved in the Listening into Action work and we encourage our ST doctors to participate in the improvement collaboratives and microsystems within the Trust.
LSCft is a research focussed Trust and we have an active research department, along with a medical research forum to support our doctors to develop their interests in research and meet the curriculum needs.
We are also keen to develop an ST according to their individual needs and are more than willing to support this.
"The medical education department always engages with us and I feel included. The Consultant Interview training is very useful."
- (ST Doctor, 2019)