Our Foundation Programme is a structured two year training programme for trainee doctors who have just graduated from medical school.
At LSCft, we combine curriculum mapped teaching with hands on clinical experience, with our foundation trainees responsible for caring for patients under the supervision of more experienced doctors and other healthcare professionals as part of a multidisciplinary team.
Foundation doctors can expect to develop their existing skills of history taking, physical examination, documenting, preparation for team meetings, arranging investigations, developing management plans and referring to others in a mental health setting. A foundation year placement in mental health also helps to develop skills in the assessment and treatment of a range of mental health conditions, informant history taking and other communication skills, risk assessment, formulation, the Mental Health Act, assessment of capacity and best interest decisions, the assessment and management of confusion, and the management of challenging behaviour.
Protected time enables trainees to attend the various foundation teaching programmes linked to the acute hospital and to attend local initiatives such as Kick Start Psychiatry. Foundation doctors are also supported to attend our Local Academic Programme (LAP).
Trainees are also encouraged and supported to involve themselves in the delivery of teaching and training, with numerous opportunities available.
We also have opportunities for foundation year doctors to come and complete taster sessions with us, providing some experience about what a fantastic career psychiatry is.
"I had an excellent experience. Everyone (consultants, nursing staff, and fellow colleagues) were extremely supportive and friendly. They all made me very welcome in the department."
- (FY Doctor, 2018)