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Download What is a urine sample? Easy read PDF.

illustration of urine sample and toilet

When you go to see your doctor or nurse, they may ask you take a urine sample.

illustration of urine sample bottle

You will be given a little pot and asked to wee into it.

illustration of urine sample test

Ask your carers/ parents if you need help, as they will be able help you.

Your doctor or nurse will send this off for tests.

illustration of a urine sample chart

In your urine they can test to see if there are things in it that shouldn’t be. Such as;

  • Blood
  • Glucose (sugar)
  • Bacteria

illustration of antibiotics

If your urine shows the above your doctor or nurse will be able to help you.

You may be given antibiotics

Or have further tests.

Colours of urine

illustration showing person drinking water

If your urine is dark this shows you may be dehydrated.

You should drink more water.

illustration showing someone talking to a doctor and a nurse

Your urine might be dark due to medication you take, blood in your urine or the foods you eat.

You should talk to your doctor or nurse to make them aware.

illustration of yellow urine

The normal colour of urine is yellow.

illustration of doctor giving medical advice

Some medication/vitamins can make your urine bright yellow. This is nothing to worry about but your doctor should be aware.

illustration showing smiling face

If your urine is clear this shows you drink a lot of fluids and this is ok too.


illustration of sugar

If sugar is in your urine, your urine may smell sweet.

illustration of thumbs down

If you have bacteria in your urine, it may give a bad smell.

illustration of talking to a doctor and nurse

Tell your doctor or nurse if your urine smells.