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Emla Cream

Emla cream is a numbing cream.

Numb mean that you can’t feel anything when the cream is put on your arm.

Person recieving injection to arm

It is used on the skin before having an injection.

Ok sign language

This will make the area of your skin numb before you have your injection.

No pain

This will stop you feeling any pain.


It can be bought from a pharmacy or given to you by your doctor.

1 hour before

This must be applied to the skin around the area for the injection an hour before you have your injection.


Putting the cream on will not hurt.

Applying dressing

When the cream has been put on a clear dressing should be put on top to keep the cream in place.

The doctor or nurse will remove the clear dressing before they give you your injection.

Nurse and patient

Then the nurse will give you your injection.

You won’t feel the injection because you have emla cream on.