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Download Going for an ECG (Electrocardiogram) easy read PDF.

An ECG can be done at the GP surgery or sometimes at a hospital.

illustration of man with ECG machine on him

An ECG is a test to check your heart.

illustration of man or woman

You can choose to have a man or woman complete your ECG.

You can ask for someone to stay with you.

illustration of man with top off in bed and a gown

The nurse will ask you to go into a room to take off your top and lay on a couch.

You may be given a gown to wear. 

illustration of a chest

The nurse will clean areas of skin on your chest and legs. 

For men if your chest is very hairy the nurse may need to shave a small area to put the electrodes onto your skin.

illustration of man with ecg stickers on his body

Electrodes are sticky sensors.

The nurse will stick electrodes on different parts of your body.

illustration of doctor listening to patients heart

The nurse will ask you to relax and stay still while the ECG machine gets the information and prints it out.

An ECG doesn’t take long.

The nurse will tell you when the machine has finished.

illustration of items of clothing

The nurse will take off all the leads and electrodes. You can get dressed. 

illustration of a doctor

The nurse will tell you if you need to wait to see your doctor or consultant to tell you about the test.

illustration of woman with thought bubble containing a question mark

If you are worried or want to ask questions talk to the nurse or doctor who helps you.