Thanks to Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for this document. 

Download Annual health check standards - did you know? PDF.

Illustrations of young and older people

All people with a learning disability from the age of 14 are offered an annual health check.

Illustration of 30 minutes lapsed

An annual health check should be a minimum of 30 minutes

People getting a health check

The annual health check should include a physical examination

Doctor showing a checklist

The doctor should ask about everything in the Get Checked Out checklist.

illustration showing the flue vaccine being given by injection or nasal spray

From October each year service users should be offered the Influenza vaccine free of charge. If injections are refused, people with a learning disability can have a nasal spray. 

illustrations of different things the doctor might check, stomach, eyes, heart, female reproductive system, breasts and a toilet

The doctor should talk about or offer appropriate national health screening and immunisations. More information can be found in the Get Check Out checklist. 

Health action plan checklist

The doctor should provide a Health Action Plan at the end of the health check stating either:

  • The person is fit and well and to return in a year for an annual health check.
  • Health issues identified and support needed.