List of pages

  • Longer nights are drawing in, the twinkling lights of shop displays are enticing and you just can’t seem to escape the lovely tones of Michael Buble. Its Christmas time, that time of year that seems to come around more quickly with each passing year.

  • Anger is a difficult emotion. It’s one of the one’s that is readily labelled as “negative” and as you’ll get used to my thoughts on this, emotions are neither negative or positive, but rather appropriate or inappropriate for the situation.

  • Prevention is fundamentally at the heart of all we do in the Change Talks team. Prevention is the action of stopping something from happening or arising, but how soon do you start to prevent things?

  • I sat and pondered for a while thinking, what I should put into our first blog? I questioned whether I should start at the beginning, or do I type up the hardest hitting content? I want our blogs to have an impact, I want these blogs to give you an insight into what we see, what we hear and also how this work makes us feel.