Whether you need urgent help for your mental health, are worried about someone else or are looking for a local service, there's help available. 

NHS 111

If you need urgent help for your mental health, call NHS 111 and select the mental health option. 

Accessibility options

If you have a hearing problem

You can use text relay. Call 18001 111 using the Relay UK app or a textphone. This is available 24 hours a day.

Find out how to use the Relay UK app or a textphone on the Relay UK website

If you need help in another language

British sign language (BSL) - use signvideo.co.uk/nhs111.

Other languages - call 111 and ask for an interpreter.

Initial Response Service

Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust provide 24-hour access to mental health care, advice, support, and treatment. 

Call your local team

Hub of Hope

The UK’s largest mental health support directory. Search for services and support near you.

Visit the Hub of Hope website or download the app on your phone. 


Confidential support for mental health, drugs, alcohol or related challenges. 

Visit the Waythrough website.

Self-help apps

We have partnered with ORCHA to bring you a library of approved and tested apps to monitor, manage and improve your health and wellbeing.

Healthy Young Minds

The Healthy Young Minds website offers advice, guidance and support related to children and young people's mental health and emotional wellbeing.