Our vision
To provide the best mental health, learning disability, autism and community based services for the populations we serve.
Our values and behaviours

- We are approachable and show compassion
- We actively listen to what people need and proactively offer our support
- We pay attention to our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others
- We celebrate success and provide feedback that is sincere and genuine
- We are open and honest, ensuring people receive information in ways they can understand
- We support different perspectives and views
- We put service users at the heart of everything we do, proactively seeking feedback
- We take pride in our work, and take responsibility for our actions
- We seek out opportunities to learn so we are supported to reach our potential
- We set high standards, and are open and flexible to change, and improvement
- We value appraisals, supervision and learning opportunities
- We speak out if the safety of our service users is compromised
- We take personal and team accountability, to deliver the highest standards of care
- We work in partnership with our service users to ensure co-production, engagement and learning.
- We actively build trusting relationships, and take time to celebrate success
- We work in collaboration with others outside of the Trust, ensuring excellent outcomes for service users and carers
Anti-racist statement
LSCft are committed to becoming truly anti-racist and taking a strategic approach to challenging systemic racism within our organisation. Racism unfortunately has formed elements of the societal norms that we all function within today. People who have experienced racism have often been placed in positions which require them to work harder for the basic aspects of life which lead to fulfilment.
The organisation recognises the facts that show us that people from within B.A.M.E communities have poorer health outcomes, different access to services which are labelled for use of us all, increased disparities that can lead to death, fewer opportunities to employment or development that are aligned to a specific quality of life and increased disparities within the workforce.
As a Trust we know that the inequalities that people from a B.A.M.E background face lead to barriers which prevent the basic needs of humanity. We understand the importance of history and the acts of time which created the foundations in which racism was ingrained and the importance of this knowledge to move us into a space of being intentionally anti-racist. There is also power in the celebration of the contributions that B.A.M.E communities, colleagues and people have made to the world, our communities and organisation.
Our anti-racism commitment
LSCft make a commitment to:
- Implement zero tolerance to racism across our organisation.
- Develop a culture of safety which creates a space for people to belong.
- Clear and robust processes for raising and investigating concerns whichallow for curiosity and understanding of detriment.
- Continue to use data to understand the experiences of our colleagues based on different ethnicity groups and build accountability across the organisation.
- Building colleague knowledge to understand the foundations of racism, the impact on individuals and communities and the difference between not being racist and being anti-racist.
- Development of our leaders with a clear understanding that to be a leader within LSCft you must be on your own journey of allyship.
- Invest in and create opportunities for our colleagues, communities and service users to celebrate diversity and the contributions of different ethnic origins.
- Achieve gold status within the NHS England, North West, BAME Assembly Anti-Racism Framework as stated within our organisational strategy.

Our Strategic Priorities
Quadruple Aim
Four key areas of focus which really demonstrate to our colleagues, patients and families the aims of the Trust.
- Demand for our services has grown, we are working much more closely with our partners in Lancashire and South Cumbria to transform our services to ensure we can provide the best possible care for our patients. This means safe, timely, accessible care for all.
- We are working to improve health within our communities and with that address health inequalities, so that those who need our services most can access them, supporting them in whatever stage of their mental and physical health journey.
- We need to ensure that as one of the largest employers in the region we, support, retain, and grow our workforce, striving to be the employer of choice where colleagues experience joy and pride in their work. Our colleagues are our most important asset.
- And whilst delivering high-quality care, and becoming the best place to work, we need to stay within our budget and provide the most efficient and effective care that we can, demonstrating value for money at all times.
Improving health
Local community
- Mortality rates
- Reduces inequalities
- Improved wellbeing
Best possible care
Service users
- Safe
- Effective
- Efficient
- Timely
- Equitable
- Patient-centred
Value for money
- Efficiency
- Productivity
- Financial balance
- Reduction of waste
Joy and pride in work
- Morale
- Wellbeing
- Workforce development
Watch our Quadruple Aim video
Our strategies
Download our Strategy, Strategy Summary, and Addressing health inequalities strategy.