Two of the core values of the NHS are accountability and transparency. In line with the NHS Standard Contract General Condition 27: Conflicts of Interest and Transparency on Gifts and Hospitality, the Trust holds a Declaration of Interests Register and a Gifts and Hospitality Register enabling all staff to be as open as possible and declare any actual or potential conflict of interest, and any accepted gift and/or hospitality, including sponsorship.
In addition, the Trust holds a Declarations of Interest Register for the Board of Directors. These are made available to the public in the Board papers.
View and download declarations of interest and registers below.
Thumbnail | Title | Size |
Trust Board - Declarations of Interest register.pdf | 0.20 MB | |
Council of Governors - Declarations of Interest register.pdf | 0.18 MB | |
Staff - Declarations of Interest register.pdf | 0.17 MB | |
Staff - Sponsored Events register.pdf | 0.13 MB | |
Staff - Gifts and Hospitality register.pdf | 0.14 MB |
Safe staffing levels
From April 2014 it became a national requirement for all hospitals to publish information about staffing levels on all inpatient wards.
Each month we will publish information about our staffing levels and provide reports discussed at our Trust Board meetings.
Each inpatient ward at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust has display boards, which show the planned and actual number of nursing and care staff for day and night shifts. These boards are visible for service users, carers and visitors.
Information about our care staffing levels can be found below.
View and download our safe staffing levels below.