Non-Executive Directors
- Member of the Provider Collaborative Board for Lancashire and South Cumbria.
- Independent Adviser for Healthier Wigan Partnership.
- Daughter is the Integration Place Leader (Central Lancashire) and part of the Commissioning Team in relation to LSCft.
- Chair of the NHS National Improvement Board (NHS Impact).
- Governor/Board member for LTE Group.
- EDI Lead Governor for LTE Group.
- Co-opted Board member for Novus (part of LTE Group).
- Managing Director of P.F. Consultancy Ltd
- Facilitate meetings and conferences for the CEOs of the ten Mental Health Trusts in North East and Yorkshire and Humber.
- Chair RCU (Further Education Consultancy)
- Chair International House (Global Language Provider)
- Member of Governing Body at University of Central Lancashire and Chair of its Audit and Governance Committee.
- Independent member of the Progress Housing Group's Audit and Risk Committee.
- Acquainted with Anita Murray, who became a Governor for the Central area of the Trust in January 2023.
- Husband is Assistant General Council (Digital, IT and Operations) at AstraZeneca.
- Husband is also Chief Legal & Compliance Officer at Evinova.
- Annual Public health teaching for Preston and Chorley GP Speciality Training programme (run by Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Health Academy).
- Non-financial interest support to Well North Enterprises.
- Paid via their company to Co-facilitate the LSC population health leadership programme.
- Partner is Group CFO for Manchester University Foundation Trust.
- GMCA Group CFO.
- Director of MIDAS Ltd.
- Director of Southway Housing.
- Independent Director, Derby County Supporters Board.
- Trustee of St. Anne’s Hospice.
- Pro bono advisor to Royal College of Psychiatrists Working Group on Eating Disorders and member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists CR170 Eating Disorders report group
- Member of the NHS Providers advisory group on productivity in Mental Health and Community healthcare services.
- Churchill Fellowship exploring strategies to address the UK treatment gap in eating disorders
- Input to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Eating Disorders
Executive Directors
- Member of Lancashire and South Cumbria Provider Collaborative Board.
- Member of Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board. (1 October 2024 to 30 September 2026)
- NHS Providers Board Mental Health Trust Chief Executive.
- Treasurer of Caldy Rugby Club.
- Partner works at Bridgewater Community Foundation Trust as Deputy Director of Communications.
- Trustee at NHS Providers Board for Mental Health Sector.
- Nil declaration
- Chair of the North West Proud2bOps group.
- Partner is a Director of Pharmacy at an Acute Trust in Cheshire.
- President of the Philippine Nurses Association UK.
- Member of the Jabali Network.
- Member of the Filipino Senior Nurse Alliance.
- Partner works in a managerial role at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
- Chair of the Procurement Group (LSC provider Collaborative)
- Husband is a TV Producer/Director working freelance on factual and investigative documentaries.
- Nil declaration.
- Director of Garstang Sports Club.
Previous Trust Board Members
- Undertaking external governance reviews from a consultancy perspective.
- Nil declaration.
Has worked with the Care Quality Commission as a Second Opinion Appointed Doctor (SOAD)