The Central Lancashire Community Rehabilitation Teamwork within the community to support patients that have identified deterioration in their ability to manage at home as a result of a change in their health.
The service can initiate and implement rehabilitation programmes to enable patients to remain independent within their own home.
The primary aim of the service is to support patients with physical health problems such as falls, orthopedic conditions, chest/urine infections, cardiac problems and palliative conditions.
The service consists of the following staff:
- Occupational therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Rehabilitation assistants
Colleagues work together to support patients in the community and work closely with social services, GPs, community nursing teams, patients, relatives and carers.
Our Community Falls Prevention Service provides a specialist service for adults who have fallen or who are at risk of falling. Patients are visited in their own home or in a clinic setting and a multifactorial assessment to check for environmental and other contributing falls risks is completed. We will discuss options for reducing risks of falls and agree a care plan for any on-going treatment or equipment.
Community physiotherapy referrals are accepted from health professionals only.
Our team can see service users who are not able to attend a clinic or outpatient setting for physiotherapy input. Physiotherapy is provided in the home situation, sometimes as part of a reablement package.
If someone feels they have physiotherapy needs they should discuss with their GP so that they can refer to the most suitable service. This service also supports with mobility assessments/provision of walking equipment and home exercise programmes.
The Intermediate Care Team in Central Lancashire provide interventions for people with ill health who have lost confidence and ability with their activities of daily living, wish to remain at home and require some rehabilitation and therapy interventions to regain their skills, and achieve their goals and maximum potential.
Rehabilitation can take place in a residential setting for a few weeks enabling people who are not yet safe to return straight home from hospital, to step down from a hospital bed into a community bed for rehabilitation. They must have the potential to improve following assessment and treatment by the rehabilitation team. This service also includes the Intermediate Dementia Care Service.
The Rehabilitation services work in partnership with social services, Lancashire County Council and private agencies (Spire) to provide the care. Rehabilitation is a free service.
Where the service is provided
The teams see patients in:
- Their own home, including supported housing and sheltered accommodation
- Temporary accommodation
- Residential and nursing care homes
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
- Community clinics.
Contact Details
Central Lancashire
Telephone: 01772 643 106
All referrals via MAP on 01772 777 999 or Refernet
Wing 1, Leyland House
Lancashire Enterprise Business Park
PR26 6TY
View the AccessAble accessibility guide for Wing 1, Leyland House.